Wisdom - how we can acquire and use information effectively to support well-being. The more curious and creative we allow ourselves to become, the more we gain perspective and wisdom and will, in turn, love what we are learning. This is developing the virtue of wisdom and knowledge. There are five character strengths in this category.

  • Creativity - you are skilled at coming up with new ideas, behaviors or products in order to meet your goals. You usually are not content with doing things in a conventional way. This strength is also called practical intelligence, common sense or street smarts. My Ranking: ______. 
  • Curiosity - centers around an openness to experience, and flexibility in regards to one’s own preconceptions. Curiosity involves actively engaging novelty, and is the opposite of passively absorbing information (as in a couch potato channel surfing with their remote. My Ranking: ______.
  • Judgement -  you are motivated to master skills or domains of knowledge (more systematic than curious). You enjoy schools, libraries and museums; anywhere there is an opportunity for you to learn. My Ranking: ______. 
  • Love of Learning - you are driven to think things through and examine issues from multiple perspectives. You do not jump to conclusions, and rely on solid evidence in making your decisions. The opposite of this strength is thinking in ways that favor what you already believe. My Ranking: ______. 
  • Perspective - being able to understand situations deeply, then, to be able to provide good advice. Others seek you out to draw on your experience to solve their own problems. My Ranking: ______. 

Courage - the braver and more persistent we become, the more our integrity will increase because we will reach a state of feeling vital, and this results in being more courageous in character. Strengths that accompany this virtue involve accomplishing goals in the face of strong opposition. There are four character strengths in this category.

  • Bravery - you do not shrink from threat, challenge, pain, or difficulty. Valor is more than bravery under fire, it refers to the intellectual or emotional stance that may be unpopular and dangerous. Fearless, boldness and rashness are not valor. The brave person is not afraid to take a stand regardless of the consequences (Rosa Parks an example). My Ranking: ______.
  • Honesty - You are an authentic person. You are down to earth and without pretense. You represent yourself - your intentions and commitments - through your words and your action. My Ranking: ______.
  • Perseverance - you possess the mental strength that is necessary to continue to strive towards one goal in the face of obstacles and setbacks. You do what you say you will do.The broader and ambitious one’s goals are the more necessary persistence is required to achieve them. Ranking: ______.
  • Zest - is an approach to life that is marked by an appreciation for liveliness, excitement and energy. Do you throw yourself, body & soul, into the activities you undertake? Do you wake up in the morning looking forward to the day? Is the passion you bring to activities infectious? Ranking: ______.

Humanity - approaching others with respect, appreciation, and genuine interest. These strengths can be seen in caring relationships with others (one on one). There are three character strengths in this category.

  • Kindness - you are kind and generous to others, and you are never too busy to do a favor (even if you don’t know that person well). Are there other people - family members, friends, strangers - for whom you take responsibility? Ranking: ______.
  • Love - you value close and intimate relations with others, particularly with those in which the feelings. Do the people that you have deep and sustained feelings about have the same feelings for you? If so, this strength is present in your life. This strength is more than romance. Love can be expressed toward those who we depend upon, and to those who depend upon us. This strength allows people to put trust in others, and make them a priority in making decisions.They experience a deep contentment from their devotion. Ranking: ______.
  • Social intelligence - the knowledge of oneself. You are aware of the feelings of others, and you can respond well to those feelins. Social intelligence is the ability to notice differences among others, especially with respect to their moods, temperaments, motivations, and intentions - and then to act upon these distinctions.Personal; intelligence is about accessing your own feelings and using that knowledge to understand and guide your dehavior. Another aspect of this strength is niche finding - putting yourself in settings that maximizes one’s skills and interests. Have you chosen your work, your relationships and your leisure to put your best abilities into play every day? Ranking: ______.

Justice - Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India. He led India to independence and helped created movements for civil rights and freedom by being an active citizen in nonviolent disobedience. His work has been applied worldwide for its universality. Strengths that accompany this virtue include those that build a healthy and stable community:involve relationships between an individual and a group or a community ( among people)

  • Fairness - you do not let your personal feelings bias your decisions about other people. You give everyone a chance. Are you guided in your day to day actions by larger principles of morality? Do you take the welfare of others, even those that you do not know personally, as seriously as your own. Can you easily set aside personal prejudices? True fairness incorporates both a respect for moral guidelines and a compassionate approach to caring for others. You believe in treating everyone as they deserve to be treated, regardless of the way you may feel about them in the moment. Ranking: ______.
  • Leadership - you excel at organizing and executing group activities. The effective leader maintains good relations among group members while accomplishing tasks. You increase team productivity, while at the same time maintaining good terms with team members. Ranking: ______.
  • Teamwork - you excel at being a good member of a group doing your part and sticking up for that group. You are a loyal and dedicated teammate, you always do your share, and you work hard for the success of the group. Do you value group goals and purposes, even when they differ from your own. Do you value and respect those who are rightfully in positions of authority. The strength of citizenship is manifested through a sense of social belonging and civic responsibility. Good citizens are not blindly obedient, and when necessary strive to change their group for the better. Ranking: ______.

Temperance - Being forgiving, merciful, humble, prudent, and in control of our behaviors and instincts prevents us from being arrogant, selfish, or any other trait that is excessive or unbalanced. Strengths that are included in this virtue are those that protect against excess:help us with balance in our lives, keeping us from harmful extremes. 

  • Forgiveness - When you forgive those who have done you wrong, when you offer a second chance; your thoughts and actions toward the transgressor become more positive. Forgiveness blocks us from the extreme of hatred,  regardless of what they've done to us. Ranking: ______.
  • Humility - you do not seek the spotlight, preferring to let your accomplishments speak for themselves. You do not regard yourself as special, and people recognize and value this strength. You are unpretentious and honest with yourself about your own limitations. You are open to advice and assistance from others. Humility keeps us from the extreme of arrogance. Ranking: ______.
  • Prudence - You are a careful person. You do not say or do things that you might later regret. Prudent people think before embarking on a course of action. Prudent people are far-sighted and deliberative. They are good at setting aside immediate gratification for the sake of long-term success. Ranking: ______.
  • Self-Regulation - You can easily hold your desires, needs, and impulses in check when it is appropriate. When something bad happens, can you regulate your emotions? Can you repair and neutralize your negative emotions? Can you stay optimistic even in a trying situation? Self regulating individuals are able to control instinctive responses such as aggression and impulsivity. This strength can be applied to both resisting temptations., such as when dieters avoid sugary foods, and to initiating actions, such as when someone gets up early to exercise. Ranking: ______.

Transcendence - The Dalai Lama is a transcendent being who speaks openly why he never loses hope in humanity’s potential. He also appreciates nature in its perfection and lives according to what he believes is his intended purpose. Strengths that accompany this virtue include those that forge connections to the larger universe and provide meaning:connect with the world outside of ourselves, and help us find meaning in doing so. 

  • Appreciation of beauty and excellence - Individuals with an appreciation for beauty feel a sense of awe at the scenes and patterns around them. You appreciate beauty, excellence and skill in all domains: nature, art mathematics, athletics, science, and everyday things. When intense, it is accompanied by awe and wonder. This strength allows people to experience satisfaction and richness in everyday experiences. Ranking: ______.
  • Gratitude - you are aware of the good things that happen to you, and you are committed to not take them for granted. You always take the time to express your thanks. Gratitude is an appreciation of someone’s else’s excellence in moral character. As an emotion, it is a sense of wonder,  thankfulness, and appreciation for life itself. We are grateful when people do well by us, but also can be generally grateful for good acts and good people. Gratitude can also be directed toward impersonal and non-human sources (e.g. divine beings, nature, animals) but it can’t be directed toward the self. Ranking: ______.
  • Hope - you believe that the future is good and work hard to achieve your goals. This strength leads people to expect the best for themselves and others. Ranking: ______.
  • Humor - you like to laugh and bring smiles to the faces of others. You can easily see the lighter side of life. Individuals with this strength find things to be cheerful about rather than letting adversity get them down. Humor is more than telling jokes, but rather a playful and imaginative approach to realizing goals. Ranking: ______.
  • Spirituality - you have strong and coherent beliefs about a higher purpose and meaning of the universe. You know where you fit in the larger scheme of things. Your beliefs shape your actions and are a source of comfort to you. Spirituality provides an awareness of the good things in life and comfort in the face of adversity. Ranking: ______.

We each have strengths we are naturally good at. These are called our signature strengths. To find out what your signature strengths are, be sure to complete the homework. And then in the next section, we'll explore the meaning and value of signature strengths.

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