"Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves."

Addiction cripples our ability to reflect honestly about our lives. It creates delusional thinking that blocks our ability to understand the havoc it has caused, or is causing,  in the relationships that are most important to us. In moving forward it is helpful to identify the negative thoughts, emotions, and actions that have ruled our lives.

Resentment is the state of mind whereby one relives a past event, and feels the emotion from that event as if it were happening right now. It is the fuel that feeds the fires of addiction.  Questions to reflect upon:

  • What people, places or things do you resent and what led to those resentments?

  • How did your behavior contribute to your resentments?

  • How have your resentments affected your life, your relationships with others and yourself?

  • Who or what do you fear and why? And how do you respond destructively or negatively to your fears?